I've heard that the Green Power juices slowly. Can you explain?

The Green power juices at only 110 revolutions per minute. Other juicers revolve at many times that speed. Speed compromises the juice, because the faster the mechanism rotates, the more heat is created in the juice and the faster it will oxidize, losing nutritional value.

To preserve maximum nutritional value, the temperature of fresh juice needs to be as close as possible to the original temperature of the produce. In an independent study, juice from the Green Power gained only slightly more than 1 degree Fahrenheit during juicing. The increase in original temperature caused by four other juicers ranged from almost 3 degrees to over 14 degrees.*

It is the slower, 110 revolutions per minute, available only by using the Green Power, that aids in producing the sweetest, most mineral-enhanced juice you can enjoy. However, making a 16-ounce glass of juice with the Green Power takes only a few seconds longer than with the leading masticating juicer, and a full minute or more less than with the popular two-step (grind/squeeze) method.

*Full test data available upon request.


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