The First Significant Advancement in Juicer Technology


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Designed by PG Tocci
Gemini Press


Excerpt from the book:
Healing with Herbal Juices, by Siegfried Gursche

The Green Power juicer from Korea represents the first significant advancement in juicing technology in quite a long time. When I first saw it demonstrated at a health convention I was very excited. What sets the Green Power apart is that it can juice just about anything: hard fruits and vegetables, soft fruits like pineapple and berries, celery sticks, all types of herbs without exception, sprouts, dark leafy greens and even wheat grass. It slowly and carefully crushes and presses fruits and vegetables instead of spinning them or chopping them into small pieces. This is accomplished using a unique twin-gear triturating extraction system that operates at a very low speed of only 110 rpm.

To understand how this juicer works, just imagine two small rollers placed side by side, like in an old-fashioned clothes wringer, except that these rollers have grooves. As they rotate towards each other, they pull the fruits and vegetables between them and slowly press out the juice. My Green Power juicer reminds me of a meat grinder: you feed everything into the top, and the dry pulp and juice come out of separate openings at the front of an elongated gearbox housing. This allows me to juice continuously without having to stop to remove pulp. I know I am not losing any juice because the pulp comes out looking like a dry rope.

The nutrient quality of the juicer is excellent. In fact, lab tests show that Green Power is comparable to the most expensive juicer on the market, the Norwalk, in terms of mineral content and volume of juice made. Because the Green Power is a triturating juicer turning at a very low speed it does not cause any frictional heat, and therefore no loss of enzymes. This machine was designed for the live-foods lifestyle.

There is no centrifugal action, so oxidation is minimized. Another excellent and revolutionary feature found only in the Green Power is magnetic rollers which magnetize the juice and so delay the start of oxidation. Therefore, the juice I get can be stored for two or three days. This is ideal for people who want to juice only once a day but want to drink fresh juice throughout the day or even into the next couple of days, a luxury I will not get from any other juicer.

The Green Power gets juice from things I have never dreamed of juicing, such as tough fibrous plants, therapeutic herbs like horsetail or birch leaves, pulpy fruits, and even very hard items such as rosemary and pine needles. Yes, now you can make your own invigorating bath extracts for just pennies.

Another bonus is that the machine includes attachments which let you make all kinds of nut butters, like almond or sesame, desserts made from frozen bananas and berries, other desserts, mochi (rice cakes), pasta, and baby foods. Sprouted grains go through the machine well and come out very smooth.

Along with its wide range of juicing and food processing abilities, another thing that I appreciate is that the Green Power is an unusually quiet machine. The sound level is comparable to the sound you hear when your refrigerator is on. This is achieved by using a 0.25-h.p. (186-watt) motor that runs at a very low speed.

The Green Power is definitely today's leading-edge juicer technology. It has won several prizes and medals at international inventor exhibitions.