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Carob Mint Pie
     This is a must for parties, especially if you like mint. It looks like a chocolate cream pie, but the carob will not interfere with calcium absorption, and the carob flavor is heavenly with the banana.

C - Boost Drink
     This recipe gets its name from the high vitamin C content in both apples and red bell peppers.

Celebration Loaf
     My friend Adia first showed me her version of this loaf on my television show. She said that whenever she made this leaf for a party, she always went home with a clean plate. I have had the same experience with my version. A definite winner!

Chewy Carob Cookies
     These are named after one of their best qualities, chewiness. Finding raw carob powder can be difficult in some areas but it can be ordered from most natural food stores.

Christmas Delight Soup
     This soup is a holiday favorite: the dark, rich red of the tomatoes and purple cabbage contrasted by the bright green of the parsley, basil and green cabbage. To serve it at Christmas find green house tomatoes. Or, serve it in the fall when tomatoes are the most flavorful.

Chunky Veggie Soup
     This soup could be called Summer Stock for its array of ingredients. The sweet corn, salty celery, bitter arugula, creamy broth and flavorful spices give it a richly flavored cast of characters.

Coconut Crunch Macaroons
     A delicious cookie with a pleasing consistency. Look for non-alcoholic extracts to be found on the market.

Coconut Pecan Patty
     Garlic pickle is a popular East Indian spice. If you like your food spicy, you will love this dish. I first made this with Johnny Lynch on my television show. He loves spicy food and this recipe reflects a toned down version of his recipe.

Coffee Quitter's Juicer
     One of my students came to class so excited because he had been able to give up coffee. We asked him how, and he said he made this juice and he felt so good, he did not need to drink coffee. If you are ready to kick the habit, here is his recipe.

Corny Soup
     What makes this soup special is the fresh corn with the ginger, in a creamy base. You can make this soup as smooth or as crunchy as you like - diner's choice.

Cranapple Sauce
     The sweetness of the apples, dates and bananas contrasted to the tartness of the lemon juice and cranberries makes this sauce sizzle with taste.

Creamy Mint Sauce
     It is the spearmint that brightens up this special sauce.

Creamy Thousand Island Dressing
     Usually this type of dressing uses eggs, lots of oil and sugar. Not exactly healthy! Instead, this recipe uses pine nuts which have a delightful flavor and are rich in essential oils making this dressing delicious, creamy and healthy.

Crispy Oat Crackers
     Oat groats, the whole oat, make a lighter cracker, similar to barley. Plus, basil is such a delightful flavor; best when it is fresh.

Curried Croquette
     This is another recipe I have made with the terrific culinary advice of Johnny Lynch. He helped me understand how to use spices to make a good recipe better. The Indian Curry Paste is the best I have found, and I have included where to fine it in the Resources section.

Darn Grate Soup
     The calcium-rich soup's delightful flavor is from the jicama and yams with the carrots and celery. The apple, carrots and jicama make it without the need of artificial sweeteners.

Date Nut Torte
     My friend, Beverly Peterson, showed me how to make a version of this rich dessert. It can be made with soaked almonds, walnuts or macadamias.

Date with a Pecan
     There are so many wonderful dishes to prepare with this lovely nut. Enjoy.

Digester's Delight Juice
     The celery is the surprise ingredient in this delightful drink, It can make this a salty drink, so go lightly with it at first, adding more to taste.